You’re bright & creative—

and your care should be too.

A holistic modern approach to therapy & psychiatry —

LGBTQIA+, trauma-informed, compassionate, and individualized.

Reach out, and let’s talk about how I can help.


What do you offer?

I offer an integrative and holistic approach to psychiatry and mental health— you receive therapy and medical treatment in one place.

A dedicated and keen listener, I intentionally only see a small group of patients. By doing this, I am able to provide each person I accept into my practice deeply individualized and attentive care. I have a trauma-informed approach that brings in elements of mindfulness, somatics, and cognitive techniques within a psychoanalytical orientation and with a 360-degree focus on you and your life. Many people who have felt they couldn’t be helped by therapy are deeply surprised at how somatic work transforms long-standing emotional blocks and opens up new possibilities and connections with themselves and others.

What are your specialties?

I specialize in depression, anxiety disorders, loneliness, difficulty connecting, ADHD, trauma, transitions, PTSD and C-PTSD.

I work with people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities. Many of my patients are part of LGBTQIA+ communities, including trans and non-binary individuals, and are also creatives of some type.

I have special experience with sex worker communities and always welcome the opportunity to provide an informed and nonjudgemental mental health care space for their needs.

How are you different from my psychologist/social worker/ therapist/ psychoanalyst/ counselor?

I provide an individualized therapeutic experience with the option for medical interventions in one place with one practitioner— saving you the stress and pain of searching for another provider who is medically licensed to provide these services.

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner with a background in LGBTQIA+ primary care— I understand your health in a deep, holistic way. If we are meeting, and it seems that a blood test, supplements, or another strategy could help us meet your goals, I will discuss it with you as part of your routine care. This is one way that I provide 360-degree care that other types of practitioners cannot provide.

Stable and deep relationships developed and maintained over time are an essential part of integrative and holistic care. This used to be standard in the U.S., with family medical providers seeing someone through all the transitions of their life.  I believe in bringing these values back while integrating them into modern mental health approaches today.

What other experiences and background do you bring to your work?

Many! For one, before I began as a nurse practitioner, I studied feminist philosophy, visual art, and gender and sexuality. I also spent time abroad studying religion and culture all over the world.

I have lived in various countries with very different cultures than the U.S. and this gives me a broader perspective and approach to my patients and healthcare.

How are you different from a standard psychiatrist?

Great question. In today’s modern healthcare world, many psychiatrists are struggling and overburdened with very little energy, time, and attention to devote to their massive patient panels. For many of these psychiatrists, a visit comes down to the least amount of time they can spend making a diagnosis, prescribing medications, and not much else. You will never have this experience with me.

I have specifically built my practice to maximize time, energy, and focus on my patients. Regular therapy sessions tailored to the individual are the foundation of my practice. Many patients benefit from a focus on somatic work. Integrative and holistic approaches to medications, supplements, and other techniques are included as needed.

Why do you intentionally keep a small panel of patients?

Well, when I was a primary care provider, I always took more time with my patients because I both wanted to and felt it was needed. People are complex, and healthcare is never just about medications and diagnoses. This is even more true in the field of mental health. To devote the proper time and energy to each patient, to give them the best experience, and to make sure I don’t set myself up for provider fatigue, or worse, burn-out… I decided to craft my private practice to be sustainable and efficient. So, this means having a small group of people who I get to know very well, and do deep and devoted work with. Voilà!

Do you only do medication management?

Not. At. All. In fact, many of my patients don’t seek me out initially for medication management at all, but for psychotherapy and/ or somatic approaches. The great thing about this relationship is that if you are ever interested in, or in need of, medication you don’t need to find another provider and start all over again. You can take those steps comfortably knowing that I already know you and where we want to go very well.

If you are currently on medication and looking for a provider, you can have one person who can provide both therapy and medication in one place. I also work well and happily with your other providers.

If you are mainly interested in medication management only, you will still benefit from my broad and holistic perspective as well as the extra time and attention I provide.

Do I need to stop seeing my other mental health providers?

Every situation is unique, but the short answer is— no. I know some providers sometimes demand to be the sole provider working with a client. However, I feel strongly that if you have a good team in place that is meeting your needs or who is in the process of working through a new strategy, it may be that ending these treatments will be more disruptive than helpful.

I am happy to work as part of a team, and this willingness also distinguishes me from many other mental health providers. We will discuss where our work can complement or accelerate your progress in other modalities.

Let’s talk together about the care that’s right for you.

"It’s a scary thing trying to get help, but Francesca’s honest, straight-forward, and compassionate approach helped to put me at ease."


Connecting you with me


You reach out and schedule your free 15-minute consultation call.


We connect on the phone.

I listen to your story, then I discuss what I can offer you. If we feel we are a match, you’ll receive a private link to book your 90-minute intake session.


You’ll receive my specially-designed, in-depth, intake form, and have the opportunity to write and reflect deeply on your past, present, and future life.

When you’re finished, you’ll send me your writing.


I thoroughly read and take notes on your submission in preparation for our first session, forming a great foundation for our conversation and our work together.


We are already meeting for our first session.

These are the first steps toward living your life the way you’ve always wanted.